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Port forwarding on Linksys E3000


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I just upgraded my router to a Linksys E3000, also updated to newest version of uTorrent 2.0.2 build 19648. There is no info on portforward.com on how to set it up. I'm running Windows 7.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I forward my ports and get uTorrent back to the high speeds I've grown so accustomed to?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!


I can't say i've use that kind of router before but from what I can tell its actually similar in features to mine so i'll explain as best I can. First of all to get to your router control type in the address bar of your browser. Username and Pass should be admin:admin if you havn't changed it yet. There should be a tab called applications and gaming (see image) in which there are two types of port forwarding; range and single. You probably want single (the one pictured). First of all you need to choose a port in utorrent (probably the same one you had it set up with the old router) then go to the router page and type that number in on both the internal and external port slots. Leave it as both udp and tcp for the protocol and forward it to your internal ip address. (you may need to use dhcp reservation to ensure that you always get the same ip address. (bottom of the main page on the router configuration.) That should be it. If this doesn't make sense you can try going back to portforward.com and looking at the settings for the WRT610N, they should be simillar to what you have. http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Linksys/WRT610N/WRT610Nindex.htm



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