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Per Tracker Dynamic Labels + favicon.ico


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I personally would like to see Labels dynamically created and used sorting each torrent by the tracker it uses.

I also thought a nice feature would be to allow the option of uT downloading the favicon.ico that most sites seem to have and to use that for the icon assingned to the Label. Hardly essential but it would be visually appealling :)

Edit: I know there are some ways that dont fit this exactly e.g. multi trackers but im proposing the idea now and if there is interest we can work through all the caveats

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appologies for missing this if it was posted before i simply could not find it.

I still think this is an interestng idea that offers alot of visual and helpful bang for your buck but if its already been rejected then cool.

I can manually allocate each torent to a Label... its just boring doing it

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  • 1 year later...

I would also like to see this.This is how I would see it: You specify that if the tracker URL contains "X" or is "XY" it will be labeled with label "XYZ"

Together with the Apply Label-wide properties to torrents request, which *will* be implemented according to Ultima, you would have some very powerful auto-downloader features that can be set up to please allot of different preferences.

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well... as far as favicon.ico, I would like to be able to use a custom one for the WebUI... but that's it... :P

Icons aren't well-used within the program itself tho. The custom icon files are for Windows' usage. Internally, µT uses bitmapped icon sheets instead.

-- Smoovious

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The WebUI one *can* be customized simply by replacing favicon.ico in webui.zip :P

IMHO, some kind of favicon, although nice, isn't all that pressing a feature to be added. After per-label options, multiple labels per torrent would probably be next highest in terms of priority.

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I was thinking a simpler way, than manipulating the webui.zip... You know how hard a time a lot of people have installing the webui to begin with... Expert users already know how to do that kinda stuff. :D

and, never claimed it was pressing or important... just that I'd like it. :D

-- Smoovious

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