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Blank username, now can't login


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In an attempt to bypass the web UI login screen, I tried deleting the username in the preferences. I clicked apply, and the login screen came up, however leaving both fields blank doesn't work. Using the old username doesn't work either. Have I seriously messed up the installation? Is there anything I can do?


The address is edited out if anyone cares to have a look.

Edit: Apparently after solving the issue I forgot to change the default username and password. Thanks for bringing my network to a grinding halt by downloading 455 GB of porn.


I can't re-enter it, because I can't access anything because it asks for the password. A Catch-22. The other problem is that it's the integrated µTorrent UI that comes on the Buffalo LinkStations. I'm not sure how to access the settings.dat file (or any of the µTorrent program files.) To get access to that I suppose I'd need to ask on the Buffalo forum.


BLEH indeed. I just posted on the Buffalo forum. Supposedly there's a way to get root access via SSH or telnet, hopefully that would allow me access to the files, but I'm not holding my breath. If I can get access, I will definitely try your suggestion.


The solution (in case this happens to anyone else) is to initialize the µTorrent settings in the Buffalo admin panel > Extensions > BitTorrent then restart the NAS from Maintenance > Restart. After that, re-enable the BitTorrent server, and the username and password are set back to defaults (admin/blank.)


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