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I will Assume throttling


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As the title suggested, I would assume my internet is being throttled by my ISP in basis of torrents. For a while now, which is quite unfortunate, I have had a problem to where when downloading torrents, my internet on the computer will just randomly disconnect and then reconnect after a few minutes. It happens more often than not, in a span of probably about 5 minutes max that it cuts out. It didn't use to happen, but it has been for about half a year to a year now, and it's pretty bumming. I thought it was because of my router, but I just updated to DD-WRT and it still has the problem.

Now, I did that Glasnost test to see if my ISP (Comcast) was throttling, and it suggested that it was not. This was also when port 6881 was not forwarded yet. I haven't tried it since. This is what it says:

Is your upload traffic rate limited?

There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your uploads.
However, some of the measurements were affected by noise, which limits Glasnost ability to detect rate limiting.


* There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your BitTorrent uploads. In our tests, uploads using control flows achieved up to 2160 Kbps while uploads using BitTorrent achieved up to 2158 Kbps.

* The measurement data is too noisy to detect whether your ISP rate limits traffic on port 6881. Re-running the test while ensuring that no other downloads or uploads are running in the background might fix this problem.
Is your download traffic rate limited?

There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your downloads.

Currently, I am using:

ISP: Comcast

OS: Windows 7

This happens with all torrent programs, too. I tried to limit the connection to 100Kbps down/up, but nothing.

All I'd like is confirmation that it is indeed throttling. I THINK the second post here helps to work with it, but I'm not sure: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=58714


Edit: For an added additional information, I opened port 6881 and then re-ran the glasnost test, and it failed. It also dropped my internet. So because of this, I will definitely conclude it is based on throttling, and will try different things to get it working right.

Our tool was unable to measure your link

* The connection to the measurement server was lost.

* Please try again by clicking here.

I would say I assumed right?


"I opened port 6881 and then re-ran the glasnost test, and it failed. It also dropped my internet."

That may also be serious network problems!

ComCast indeed does throttle/disrupt my BitTorrent sometimes:


But they usually only do it to me for about 2 hours at most.

I do however see SpeedBoost:


...sometimes get flattened or nonexistent.

Other times, it "works" but shows signs of jagged edges from packet loss and/or throttling:


...and if I don't lower upload speed, it just gets worse:


Having more than ~10-20 connections at once in uTorrent and/or a high connection rate seems to make the throttling more likely. :(


"Having more than ~10-20 connections at once in uTorrent and/or a high connection rate seems to make the throttling more likely."

I honestly haven't tried setting the connections yet, as I've been too lazy, but I've had multiple accounts from friends that it's doing it to them too on Comcast. No problems on FiOS.

You said it only happens 'every' two hours? Or 'for' two hours the internet drops? Because for me right now, I have the problem where within a few minutes of the torrent starting, it will drop for about 30 seconds, then come back. Then it will drop again after a few minutes, then 30 seconds come back. It just continuously does that until I just stop the torrent program. It also happens with ANY torrent program.

It's quite annoying, really.

A high download speed also seems to make them more likely to drop the connection, as I've had about 5 seeders, but a huge download speed, and it just drops either way.


"You said it only happens 'every' two hours? Or 'for' two hours the internet drops?"

Neither! In the rare event upload speeds do drop, it last typically for 5 minutes to 30 minutes...with the most severe far more rare ones lasting for 2 hours.

Do keep in mind that ComCast has both "legacy" areas where they bought out and still use equipment from competing cable ISPs...and they may also throttle based on how badly overloaded areas are. My area seems to not be particularly overloaded, thus throttled little and not very often. Yours seems most unfortunate.

I have seen numerous uTorrent problems which by themselves cause periodic behavior:





...Those are *ALL* caused by separate issues. (Some have since been fixed.)

"A high download speed also seems to make them more likely to drop the connection"

You mean like this?:



...then it limps along horribly slow:


...with occasional bursts of speed where it comes back to life:


I had to disable uTP (or at least disable bt.tcp_rate_control) to overcome that.


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