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uHide, Hide uTorrent MenuBar


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Well. Due that ludde didnt implement (yet?) this feature, I decide to do it by myself :D

And here is uHide.

We usually see this:


With uHide we see this:


A bigger view


Where you can get this wonderful? Just here: http://rapidshare.de/files/14837488/uHide.rar.html

Thanks to ludde for his client


I cant upload a file on this forum, so Im forced to use rapidshare.de. If anyones knows about another host file for small files (this ones is 2734 bytes long), please tell me

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i grabbed it from MaV's link there. Hid the menubar, then closed uHide. opened it again to bring the bar back but uHide only says "Hide" now and clicking it doesn't allow me to change it back or get to "Show" so it can. do the changes revert on restart of µTorrent? i've got some good d/ls running so i don't want to try just yet.

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Wowowowowow... that's definitely something I'd been hoping would be included in µTorrent someday... Recently, I decided to hide all the different panes, only leaving the torrent list (since I rarely look at any of the tabs, and the columns provide most of the information I need). In the mean time, I'll just wait patiently and hope ludde implements that natively ;P

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how did you do this, did you hack µTorrent?

I'am no programmer an could be horribly wrong but i think it is a generic window hook where you just have to find the windowhandle of utorrent and squash the menubar thats inside it.

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Cool lil app. The only things I see wrong with it are 1) No manifest embedded in the exe. 2) The icon should be redone. I tried adding the manifest but failed for some unknown reason but I can look into the icon (shouldn't be too hard).

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@Stan: I can understand not adding the extra icons but I did a test on my side about the whole manifest thing. The program I tested on is a setup program for JFDuke3D. With no manifest embedded the file is 44,032 bytes, embedded the file becomes 44,544 bytes increasing the over all file size by 512 bytes. So if you embedded the manifest into uHide, the file size would increase to just under 4K. So in conclusion, just add the file. :cool: :D

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