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High speed at low size even if it's the latest torrent


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i was wondering why is my latest torrent having the highest speed. i am currently downloading 3 movies(900MB ave. size) with all having at least 60% completion. after i added my latest torrent (200MB size) i was shocked it boomed to 180kbps while my movies only have 70kbps as the highest speed ALONE.

here's a picture...


i hope you understand what i'm trying to say.. thanks!


Luck-of-the-draw. Maybe that 1 got fast local seeds. (seeds on the same ISP as you.)

Are you on a wireless internet connection?

Regardless...you have to watch out that your upload isn't swamped.


If the average person stays on such a torrent only 2-4 hours, that's still plenty time to seed >100% to others for the smaller music albums...but only a "good start" for a movie.

Check your upload speed max and make sure you're not telling uTorrent to upload faster than you can sustain. Wireless often has terrible low upload max.


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