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upload speed drops: no utp, no problems?


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yesterday i've met some extreme situation with upload speeds dropping almost to zero from fully filled channel and staying there for a long time... did different tweaks to get rid of it but it seems that only disabling utp helped me. right now everything is ok, but it would be nice to have utp back without affecting any more speed drops.

here's how it happend

global up/down limit are set to 0. i'm uploading 1 torrent, init. seeding off, 10 peers. 5 peers are seedboxes - deluge/rtorrent.. - no utp. "home" leechers are with utorrent, utp is there. all of them are long distance peers.... my theory - utp peers are getting jammed by fast *nix leechers, speeds are dropping at utp, utorrent sees it and decrease the total upload speed thanks to "enable bandwidth management" on, and then it goes downhill like a snowball. is it a possible scenerio or am i talking nonsense here?

from what i understand, it's not good to have utp enabled with e.b.m. off cause it will lead to utp connection being stucked after hitting physical chan speed limit?

is it possible to have e.b.m. control only utp connections or it's how it's implemented anyway?

if it's like this, hmm, any ideas what then could cause those drops?

2.0.4 22450

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