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Download to Upload speed


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I've been wondering. Is there any method to get dibs on seeding if you share more? I almost always find myself sharing with 7MB/s and downloading with 100-200kB/s. My router and µtorrent settings are impeccable. It's simply because I don't get as much as I'm seeding. It's bullshit since I even keep seeding till I have at least a ratio of 50, sometimes a lot more.

Is there any way to get more download speed on torrents if you share a lot?

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I am running on a 60/60mbit line and have a DIR-655 router.

I have changed the net.max_halfopen in both windows and µtorrent and on my router to increase the amount of allowed simultaneous connections.

peer.disconnect_inactive_interval *60 has been changed because i was tired of having 50+ connections doing nothing at all.

The port used for µtorrent is forwarded of course.

Preferences -> Connection

Enable UpnP port mapping [x]

Enable NAT-PMP port mapping [x]

Preferences -> Bandwith

Global Rate Limit Options

Apply rate limit to transport overhead [ ]

Apply rate limit to uTP connections [x]

Number of Connections

Global maximum number of connections: 950

Maximum number of connected peers per torrent: 125

Number of upload slots per torrent: 50

This is my advanced settings section:

allow_pairing          true
bt.allow_same_ip false
bt.ban_ratio 128
bt.ban_threshold 3
bt.compact_allocation false
bt.connect_speed 7
bt.enable_tracker *true
bt.graceful_shutdown true
bt.multiscrape true
bt.no_connect_to_services true
bt.no_connect_to_services_list 25,110,6666,6667
bt.prio_first_last_piece false
bt.ratelimit_tcp_only false
bt.scrape_stopped false
bt.send_have_to_seed true
bt.set_sockbuf false
bt.shutdown_tracker_timeout 15
bt.shutdown_upnp_timeout 5
bt.tcp_rate_control true
bt.transp_disposition 31
bt.use_ban_ratio true
bt.use_rangeblock true
dht.rate -1
diskio.coalesce_write_size 2097152
diskio.coalesce_writes true
diskio.no_zero true
diskio.flush_files true
diskio.smart_hash true
diskio.smart_sparse_hash true
diskio.sparse_files false
diskio.use_partfile true
gui.auto_restart true
gui.bypass_search_redirect false
gui.compat_diropen false
gui.default_del_action 0
gui.delete_to_trash true
gui.graph_legend true
gui.graph_overhead true
gui.graph_tcp_rate_control false
gui.graphic_progress true
gui.log_date true
gui.piecebar_progress false
gui.report_problems true
gui.tall_category_list true
gui.transparent_graph_legend false
gui.update_rate 1000
ipfilter_enable true
isp_bep22 false
net.bind_ip ""
net.disable_ipv6 false
net.discoverable true
net.limit_excludeslocal false
net.low_cpu false
net.max_halfopen *80
net.outgoing_ip ""
net.outgoing_max_port 0
net.outgoing_port 0
net.upnp_tcp_only false
net.utp_dynamic_packet_size true
net.utp_initial_packet_size 4
net.utp_packet_size_interval 10
net.utp_receive_target_delay 100
net.utp_target_delay 100
net.wsaevents 6
peer.disconnect_inactive true
peer.disconnect_inactive_interval *60
peer.lazy_bitfield true
peer.resolve_country false
queue.dont_count_slow_dl true
queue.dont_count_slow_ul true
queue.prio_no_seeds true
queue.slow_dl_threshold 1000
queue.slow_ul_threshold 1000
queue.use_seed_peer_ratio true
rss.feed_as_default_label true
rss.smart_repack_filter true
rss.update_interval 15
sys.enable_wine_hacks true
webui.token_auth true

Hope you can help me.

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Do you really need UPnP and NAT-PMP enabled in uTorrent to get unfirewalled?

(If you manually port forwarded your router, you should not need them...and they can cause conflicts!)

Try reducing "Maximum number of connected peers per torrent" from 125 down as low as 50. uTorrent should then only keep the best connections. Having it try to stay connected with 125 peers/seeds on each torrent (assuming global max connections isn't reached) just means disconnecting and reconnecting constantly with bum peers/seeds.

What's the highest sustained upload speed you've seen in uTorrent on that line?

If you have 60/60 mbit/sec, that should be >5 MB/sec!

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Well, as I said in the first post it's 7MB/sec. And my download when I DO get seeds is 7MB/sec as well...

60mbit/sec = 7.5MB/sec since 8bit = 1Byte

What I'm not satisfied with is having leeches all over and not getting something in return. I highly doubt the torrents are actually dead when i can keep downloading(but with a slow speed)... other persons are just prioritized equally with me, that is not fair since I seed a lot more.

As a result I honestly feel like being an ass and limiting my uploading limit to my download speed. Torrenting needs to be more efficient than it is now.

I know it's a little more complicated than this, but i thought up a scenario explaining what I'm talking about cuz I don't think were understanding each other.


50 people have 100% of the packages and seeds with a total of 10MB/s

10 other ppl including me need all packages and hog 1MB/s each.

As the different parties progress they can share with each other.

I share 7MB/s to the other 9 and still get my 1MB/s + a part of whatever the 9 can give.


This is not fair. Why can't I have my download speed increased to 7MB/s from the existing 50 people, when I'm sharing with full speed to the others at the same time?

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"50 people have 100% of the packages and seeds with a total of 10MB/s"

Are these actual conditions?

"60mbit/sec = 7.5MB/sec since 8bit = 1Byte"

That's theoretical numbers only. Each 8 data bits needs roughly 1-3 more bits for "overheads".

To transport 7 MB/sec data your line probably needs >7.5 MB/sec bandwidth.

You're probably even seeing the pseudo half-duplex problem of uploading too fast for your line.

Put upload speed max while downloading around 6000 KB/sec ...and while only seeding around 7000 KB/sec.

Do not let uTorrent count overheads against the limit (or it could act half duplex) -- instead set upload speed limit max enough below max to not be an issue.

Make sure uTP connections count against the upload limit.

If you're on public torrents or very large private trackers, chances are many of the others only have ADSL or cable which typically has less than 2 mbit/sec upload. (ADSL often has only 0.5-1 mbit/sec upload.) But each of them may be able to download at 1 MB/sec. Generally only seedboxes and a few on Verizon FiOS in the USA or places like Sweden, South Korea, and Japan have "fast" upload speeds.

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