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Unable to make some connections


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So I queued up some new torrents just now, and although a couple of my older torrents dload and uload, the new ones dont.

The problem seems to be that connections to trackers keep failing. The errors appearing are 'connection timed out', 'HTTP Error 503', and 'connection closed by peer'. normally i would ignore such errors, but they are appearing on mass. (ie out of around 20-30 trackers on a torrent, only 1 will work, if lucky)

also, just noticed that I am unable to contact the update server, when checking for updates.

I am using v2.0.4

Cheers for any help.

*Edit: Now able to download the torrents, at regular speeds. However this is only due to one or two of the trackers working. the vast majority of trackers are still giving the errors.

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