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Have there been any reports of beta 2.2.1 incorrectly reporting stats?


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I just banned a user whose client was reporting upload stats but not reporting download stats. Unfortunately, I did not take note of the clientID when doing so, but he subsequently claimed that he was using utorrent beta 2.2.1 and attributed it to a client bug. Any possible truth to that?

I don't normally offer second chances to people falsely reporting stats, but OTOH don't want to be unfair if it was just due to a utorrent beta bug.


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To answer the question in the topic title, no, I haven't seen any reports about the betas specifically. As I recall, there were sporadic reports about 2.2, but they were not too much unlike the reports about 2.0 or 1.8.5 (all unsubstantiated claims), leading me to believe it's just people being paranoid as usual, or incorrectly (maliciously or otherwise) placing blame as your user appears to be doing.

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