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utorrent cuts my speed in half!?


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thats right, when utorrent is opened, my download speed, no matter if from websites or torrent, gets cut in half. even if i test on speedtest.net, without any torrents running, just the program opened, it shows half speed (like exactly half). also, i never manage to download torrents faster than half my speed. whats the problem?

thanks in advance

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unfortunately, i detected that my problem is not utorrent, nor my isp.

i have another computer, an old p4 with win7 installed, and it downloads @ 1,5mbps (my full speed) when i get around 700-800kbps on my computer. similar thing happened when i bought and first tested my current computer, different ISP, slow download speed, while on another old p4, download was @ full speed. i managed to bypass that by disabling / enabling my network adapter a few times, but this time, with this new ISP, i cant find a workaround.

i tried wireless dongles, wireless network adapters, disabling my mobo network adapter, but nothing worked.

when i first tested my pc and detected this problem, i assumed it was a issue with the onboard network card, but as testing other cards, with the onboard disabled, plus all the other tests i did, i can only assume its a problem with the way my mobo handles internet speed coming from any network adapter?! what you guys think?

or maybe a bad windows installation, but i can hardly see it as the problem. will try installing it again before i decide to buy a new mobo though.

please tell me what you think.


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