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RSS length too short


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Hello fellow torrenters, I have a problem that I'm sure there is an easy solution to, but I can't seem to google it properly to find the answer I'm looking for.

I know it would be best, but I simply can't leave utorrent running all of the time seeding. I do however like to use RSS feeds to have my shows download automatically when I do turn utorrent on. My problem is that my TV RSS feed is only about 10 items in length showing the ten most recently added TV torrents. Therefore if I don't have utorrent running within a certain window of time I will miss my torrent as it will be replaced by a newer one and as a result my torrent won't be downloaded.

So I was wondering if there was a work around to lengthen my RSS feed. For example if I add my feed to Google Reader and look at it say once a week it will show all of the torrents added not just the 10 most recent ones. Is there a way I could export that RSS feed and add it to utorrent or some other solution?

Thank You

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I tried using google reader in that manner without luck. I hope your reasoning though is because of bandwidth/isp limitations and not avoiding sharing ;3

You could use the scheduler or transfer caps to control bw usage, and leave uT running all the time so you don't miss any items.

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Yeah I don't share all the time because my ISP is a douche. I'm positive they slow my internet down after excessive torrenting. Also my computer has been having some strange overheating issues lately when i leave it on for a long time. I've been playing around with Yahoo Pipes, but I'm not making much headway. Seems possible though.

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Yahoo Pipes I actually use (because of uT's inferior filtering), and they do cache feeds, I don't think they retain items that disappear though. If you have a cap at the ISP they sometimes say "go over x GB and you'll be throttled to 20%", you could limit around that.

As for the computer overheating, any more details? Take a can of compressed air to it for starters, every nook. Or if you have a shopvac point the outlet at the computer. Or if you have a portable air compressor, first make sure it doesn't have water in it, then use an air blast nozzle. If your CPU supports throttling/underclocking, switch Windows to the battery/portable profile in power management and tweak the settings as desired, this way if it's not in heavy use it'll underclock and consume less power and generate less heat.

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