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uTorrent 2.2(203703) error after UPDATE


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After updating of the program to the latest version 2.2 (203703) I have everywhere a downloading error.

On a site where I swing, the site me also doesn't see and writes an error to me in the program: not alowed

All loadings burn with red color.

I of absolutely any options didn't change anything and on a site volume no changes occurred... In what a problem???

Photos I apply, before updating and after updating...

What decision on this problem is available for you?



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Not a bug, it's a message displayed by the tracker not µT. The tracker admin doesn't allow this version of µT, ask him why.

Here that at them costs, but it like as protection against other programs, it is the version should work

if ("text/html, */*" == $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"] || "Close" == $_SERVER["HTTP_CONNECTION"] && "gzip, deflate" != $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"])

err("not alowed");


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*** 2.0.4 ***
$ nc -lvvnp 4096
listening on [any] 4096 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 54914
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: uTorrent/2040(21586)
Accept-Encoding: gzip

*** 2.2.1 ***
$ nc -lnvvp 4093
listening on [any] 4093 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 49744
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: uTorrent/221B(23551)
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Connection: Close

It's a failure on the trackers part to rely on this generic bit of behavior.

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