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Load uTorrent, uTorrent opens, Hangs (Spinning Ball), Closes


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For some reason whenever I open uTorrent, it loads, freezes and then closes. It will do this every time I open the program. I recently downloaded a file with a bunch of torrents in it (over 10000) so I am pretty sure that it is crashing due to the number of torrents it has to load. Any idea how I can open it and delete the torrents off the program so that it will load normally?

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The torrent history is saved in the file resume.dat stored in the folder %appdata%\utorrent.

If you erase this file, you delete all the torrent jobs from µT and µT will start with a blank main window.

Of course, make a backup copy of this file before doing that, especially if the issue is not related to that.

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