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why can i play my files


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right then allow me to explain my issue and see if anyone can help

bascially, i will download a mp3 file to the selected folder i have put into the utorrent settings. then when the file i has finished downloading, i go into that folder and attempt to open it. when i do this, it just attempts to reopen it with utorrent again therefore i am unable to play the file

now i attempted to change the open with option by right clicking on the file and changed this to windows media player. but when i done this i couldnt actually download any files as it just tried to open it with windows media player.

the only way i can play these files is by going into utorrent aplication, right clicking on the downloaded file and open containing folder. even though it goes directly to exactly same folder anyway. just does not make sense to me i wont lie

anyone kind enough to help me ???

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