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can't seed existing torrents after drive name reallocation


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I am very bad at all this, so please be tolerant.

Put up some good files, uploaded the torrents to a tracker site, well received. Changed from bittorrent to utorrent and got suffix !ut on all my files, which was the beginning of the rot. That wrecked all my seeds, though the torrents lived on through other seeders.

But my ratio has become very bad because of this despite my sincere efforts to contribute. So, trying to reconnect those files back to the uploaded torrents so i can seed again and build that ratio. But had a hdd failure, installed a new drive and in the process somehow a G drive where my files were uploaded from, acquired another name, and so there's another broken link tween my orig files and the torrent i created.

Then, also needed to change the constituents of the torrent because one of the included files needed to be changed [just a notepad file]

So the client, the location and the contents of the torrent have all changed and - probably this is a really stupid question- how can i fix all this? Or should i just make a new torrent? But the tracker doesn't like ppl to upload torrents to the site that already exist, so i am up the creek w no paddle it seems :(

In the client I've

Updated tracker

Changed the location

Forced recheck.

Deleted the !uit suffix

Left the !uit suffix alone

Nothing works that I have tried. The disconnect is beyond me to fix. The Files have gone back to not registering as existing in Utorrent, and I'd have to theoreticall redownload my own files whose torrents I created!

Wat do?????

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Yes, the right folder was selected, but I thought I might as well see what the actual file was like. Well, it won't play in any one of the several players I've got. Neither will gspot recognise even its file type. The same for one other formerly good avi file. So it seems mystery semi-solved. Solved so far as the issue with the failing the utorrent check.

Thankyou for your suggestions moogly. Sorry about the garden path we wasted time heading up. The avis are simply corrupted. Why, can't imagine. Touch wood I've had no malware probs for a long long time.

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