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torrent-Fu and utorrent 3.0


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i just updated to utorrent 3.0 becasue i read that u can get email conformations when your download is done, which btw i haven't seen that option. Anyways when i upgraded from utorrent 2.2 to 3.0 i found out that my torrent-fu, android torrent app, will not connect and the webui isn't working at all. My port forwarding is setup correct, based on utorrent setup test, and i use no-ip for a few other apps and the other apps work. Am i missing something? Is there something that i can do to fix this or is the only logical thing to do is to downgrade back to utorrent 2.2 and see if that works?

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  • 4 months later...

I'm in the same boat as you. The minute I install Utorrent 3 beta I can not longer use torrent-fu (which is by far the best utorrent remote/manager for the android)

You get this error 'The following error was returned by the server and has been copied to your clipboard: Value invalid of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject' but as soon as you go back to utorrent 2 you can login again.

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The utorrent remote isn't anywhere as near comprehensive as torrent-FU.

Where in utorrent remote can we ADD torrents from our android device?

The utorrent remote is less a remote more of a reader, therecs no remote just reading the torrents your torrents.

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  • 3 months later...
The utorrent remote isn't anywhere as near comprehensive as torrent-FU.

Where in utorrent remote can we ADD torrents from our android device?

The utorrent remote is less a remote more of a reader, therecs no remote just reading the torrents your torrents.

Hit the menu button and select "Add".. also, when downloading a torrent through the browser, you can add the torrent automatically by selecting the utorrent remote action when prompted.

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