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Port Forward - Exclamation Mark


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I am with AOL, and until recently I had no problems. But in the last 7 days or so I have been getting the exclamation mark saying I am unreachable. I haven't downloaded any software recently. My firewall is still off. I have rechecked my port forward data in my netgear router and that hasnt changed. I have changed ports and created new rules. I have checked ports using the portforward checker and that still says port is closed. Utorrent has now changed and just says no incoming connections. I am uploading at a reasonable rate up to the bandwidth allocated. But downloading rate is awful despite there being 3 seeds and 7(41) peers. I am really lost here, the fact that everything I do say the port is closed.

Any help please.

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I haven't installed anything or downloaded anything....apart from windows xp automatic updates......aol hasn't been a problem to date. The windows firewall is off, avast is antivirus software, and the updates are automatic on that too (basic free edition). Portchecker reports all ports closed.

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Yes the modem is also a router, and I have set up port forward on my chosen port, I have allowed both incoming and outgoing traffic. I have tried creating a static ip address for my computer. I have also set firewall rules. None of this made any difference. The fact that it was working fine, and now it is working but with this network error exclamation mark is very strange.

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