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Sub-folder creation issue


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I updated to the latest public build of the uTorrent linux one week ago. Today I recognized, that all the new torrents since that downloaded into that folder what I selected in "Put new downloads in:". With the previos versions, the client always made a sub-folder, with same name like the torrent. It seems this function "dissapeard" in this version.

I tried the following:

- Replace the binary/webgui.zip with the previous one - the folder creation works again

- Create new settings.dat file with the latest - No sub-folders creation

The folder where I download the stuffs is a mounted drive with ext3 file system.

Could you please advise what could be wrong?


Best regards,


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Thanks for the suggeston. As I didn't changed the config file and it worked with the previos versions, I definitly tought it is a bug in the new release. (as I always change the executable and the webgui files, but keep the rest.

Yesterday I just investigate further and I found out what cousing this issue (at lease I found a workaround):

I have more sources for torrents. some comes from file, uploaded from my computer. Some of them come from URLs. It seems this issue affect only those, what I import with URL. I tried to download from the URLs to my computer the .torrent files, and I saw that the filename contain a % mark. If I removed that character, and uploaded the file manualy than the utorrent created the folder after I started that. If I used the direct URL access, than it doesn't create the folder when I started it. I checked both cases, and the filename is same, what the utorrent store on the server, the special carater in the pre-fix, what the utorrent somehow remove after the upload.

I don't know if this helps to investigate this further, but it's really strange that this function somehow works on strange way compare with the previous versiones. (At least I found a workaround, and I'm very happy with the new release label functions, as I really missed that.)

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