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Benefits to the latest release


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So I just got the latest release. http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=86666

I agree with the rest of the world. The revamped UI sucks ass. MySpace-level suck.

With regards to the theory that this was done deliberately to increase forum activity, congratulations. You win, uTorrent; here I am. Registered today, successfully pawned by your crappy-UI scheme.

Before I uninstall the new 2.2 and scout out the prior executable, I want to know if there is ANY functional benefit to this newest release (with regard to more efficient downloading/seeding - I'm really not concerned with passwords or pausing during computer activity). If there is benefit, then I'll only skin this version.

So, is there any real [downloading/seeding] benefit to this release?

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