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Automating uTorrent with PHP Scripts


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I use utorrent for a huge number of torrents so i reached the point where i needed to automate certain tasks, like automatically erase seeded torrents with a certain label.

download links and tutorial: http://vladbabii.com/experimente/automating-utorrent-with-php-scripts

Script #1: This script removes and deletes the torrent that have a certain label and are over X ratio.

(more to come in the next few days)

If you need a script please leave a reply with what you need and i will try to make it.

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That's a great idea. I can really use that, too. Thanks a lot.

I would like a script to automatically move a file in the default download folder to a specific destination folder based on file name as soon as the download is complete. A similar script that makes the move based on label would be great, too.

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