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"Completed On" wrong since upgrade to 2.2.1 Beta (23858)


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My latest torrent completed in 1970, apparently.

I upgraded to the latest Beta release yesterday. One of my torrents, added on 16 Dec 2010, showed a "Completed On" time of 03 Jan 1970 07:13:29 (it completed almost 41 years before I added it :lol:).

The date speaks for itself (...really? What's wrong with 1970? :P). I actually waited for the torrent to complete, and the time was 07:58 (18 Dec 2010). So it is not simply a matter of a wrong time zone. This is clearly a bug as my system date and time is correct, and other software I checked also returns the correct date and time.

If a bugfix Beta hasn't rolled out by then, I will post again tomorrow to confirm whether or not this problem persists. In the mean time, I want to know if it would be possible (when rolling out a bugfix release) to also fix the incorrect date and time of torrents completed since the upgrade, as I sort my completed torrents by the "Completed On" column for easy reference.

Also, is there something I can do from my side at this time?

I am on WinXP SP3.

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The uTorrent developer that is responsible for this mistake is already aware of it and working on a fix.

Incidentally, the problem occurred because he was trying to fix the PEX message flood bug due to incorrect clock times. :P

...Hopefully the PEX message flood bug gets fixed as well.

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...because he was trying to fix the PEX message flood bug due to incorrect clock times...

I don't quite know what that means exactly, but between the "PEX message flood bug" (bug A) and the bug I posted (the topic of this discussion, bug B), would it not make sense to restore bug A in favour of correct torrent dates? That of course is assuming that bug B is a bigger and more crucial problem for most users. Then another way can be found later to eliminate bug A, and only then roll out another fix which doesn't adversely affect the torrent dates, as is currently the case.

As stated, I don't know what the quoted text means, so I am simply speaking from what I experience as crucial in my own usage. This is also assuming that the errors are related, as Switeck asked.

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Ultima, any clue if those date/time errors are related?

No idea. By my guess, probably not though. Greg mentioned something about 32-bit integers getting improperly casted into 64-bit integers being the problem for WebUI+RSS. I just thought it amusing that this date issue cropped up after I complained about WebUI+RSS :P

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