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uTorrent 2.2 build 23703 bugs (Apps)


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recently update my 2.0.4 client to 2.2 build 23703 and found apps very interesting so i give it a try and after installing some of it namely VLC, virus guard, skins, and umap i find it very useful but at the same time it really hurts my RAM as some said it is memory leaks or something so I uninstall it again. and additional to that once i installed some of it, and go to the apps page, it still have the install button instead of installed or grayed out button, this happens after i installed another one... and or restart the PC. Especially the Umap! the app is a beauty but eats lot of memory... hope the developers improve the apps more conducive to the uTorrent client as to what it says in its Tagline "A Powerhouse with a Tiny Appetite" Thats all for now. am still findong more bugs and post to this topic

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is this build 23774 stable? and I guess this build is not yet on the download section or even in the front page... but for me, what I did is I used the "check for updates" under the help menu on my client and it seems it updates to version 2.2 build 23703 (the older one). how is this happened? I hope to hear more from you.

Thanks in Advance!

And More power to uTorrent!

Happy New Year to all!

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It is on the front page. But that won't help you with memory leaks. There will be a new 2.2.1 sometime later with some of the memory leaks in apps fixed.

Many Thanks Sir! well i guess I'm gonna wait for the new 2.2.1 until its available, will stick to my ver. thats entitled this thread and will still find more bugs... Thanks again and more power to all the people supporting this Application!

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