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How to slowdown uTorrent when someone browsing / playing online game?


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got info UTP is the answer for such problem

but in my cases

when i activing the UTP

1. Enable bandwitdh management[uTP]

2. Apply rate limit to transport overhead

there is 2 cases from different computers

case 1, OS Vista, the speed slow down from 70 to 20KBps even no application using the internet connection

case 2, OS XP, the speed slowed down from 60 to 15KBps but, it's still interupting browsing or online game, so forced to stop the download from uTorrent

there is effective method,

stop transfer on user interaction

but not all user interaction need internet connection so it's waste of bandwitdh.

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Tell us more about your connection DL/UL max speeds and connection type.

And the current uTorrent settings shown by CTRL+G window.

(Compare them if you want to 2nd link in my signature settings.)

For further speed/lag problems...

1st link in my signature and also try rafi's uTorrent Guide: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=74820

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Max DL speed 100KBps

Max UL speed 9KBps

connection type ADSL

setting from setup guide


already visit some link before and change some setting,

disable DHT network

enable bandwitdh management[uTP]

apply rate limit to transport overhead

apply rate limmit to uTP connection

bt.connect_speed 4

bt.tcp_rate_control false

net.calc_overhead true

net.max_halfopen 4

net.utp_dynamic_packet_size false

net.utp_initial_packet_size 8

testing it lastnight, average speed 85KBps,

the speed not slowing down or decreased even if the internet used for browsing

my friend tell me bt.tcp_rate_control false must sett to true

false mean utorrent gonna use all bandwitdh

gonna test it again later...

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bt.tcp_rate_control lets uTP (Bandwidth Management) also regular TCP speeds. It defaults to true, otherwise lag is horrible if you are uploading or downloading close to the line's limits. Probably doesn't matter otherwise.

9 KiloBYTE/sec upload speed max seems rather low.

Is that normal for your line?

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okay network work normal again

here the speedtest result


average speed DL 82KBps

default setting, while browsing speed droped to 69Kbps

use switeck conservative setting

192kbit, average speed 76KBps(cause only 1 torrent little seeder active), while browsing speed droped to 57KBps

320kbit, average speed 80KBps, while brwosing spee droped to 62KBps


cannot use 1 active download setting, because frequently DL from little seeds torrent

using 320kbit setting.

enable apply rate limit to transport overhead

nothing change...

Try lowering net.max_halfopen to 4 or lower (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)

Try lowering bt.connect_speed to 4 or lower (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)

speed dropped to 50KBps while browsing

Try disabling DHT (Can be found in Preferences > BitTorrent)

nothing change...

Try disabling UPnP and NAT-PMP (Can be found in Preferences > Connection)

nothing change

Try disabling uTP? (Set Preferences > Advanced > bt.transp_disposition to 5)

nothing change


nothing change mean, while browsing download speed droped same as other setting

ideally i want to see the speed droped alot while browsing

so i can browse without get interrupted by uTorrent activities

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You DON'T have the upload speed max to handle faster settings on my chart.

Telling uTorrent to upload faster than 10-14 KiloBYTES/second can utterly cripple download speed from all the lost packets alone...because your line's only giving ~16 KiloBYTES/second upload speed as max even counting overheads.

If you are to manage 2 active downloads at once, try reducing upload slots to 2 or 3 per torrent.

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