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job list suddenly empty / gone

Suya Lynx

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I've downloaded small part of some ISO few days ago, and still not completed yet.

This night I was going to resume it and I surprised that my utorrent job list is gone, it's empty

nothings wrong on the last run,

however, when I add the same torrent, looks like utorrent still remember it's last position

was this a bug? or it is just me?

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Just reload the .torrent related to the ISO into µT.

By default .torrents are stored in the folder %appdata%\utorrent. When you will see the Add New Torrent dialog box, select the folder where is stored the partial ISO. uT will force a recheck and resume.

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solution doesnt work for me. I have no such file as %appdata%\utorrent anywhere on my c drive or my other drives.

I have lost all the torrents i had going, just have an empty utorrent.

I do have this folder: C:\Users\Gary\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent

running win 7 ult 64.


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solution doesnt work for me. I have no such file as %appdata%\utorrent anywhere on my c drive or my other drives.

I have lost all the torrents i had going, just have an empty utorrent.

I do have this folder: C:\Users\Gary\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent

running win 7 ult 64.


I'm not using the app folder, but I was just re-add the torrent files that I saved from torrent search engine

What circumstance produce this event?

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But my question is, was that a bug or it just me?

because I sometimes forget where I save the torrent files

uT creates a working copy of each .torrent loaded into µT.

By default it's %appdata%\utorrent. Or the .torrent storage folder set in Preferences > Directories.

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I figue what happened to mine is that we get a lot of power-outs here, especially when it rains.

My pc has been shut down at least 10 times in last 2 days, so thats likely what happened.

I renamed the resume, settings, dht and rss files from old to current. that didnt help totally. I have some of them back but not all of them.

I got a new ups so that will help me out with my electrical probs, gonna get after my util co this week for sure.

thanks for the help!

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