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Port Fowarding for 2.0? non-linksys.


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Hi everyone.. sorry but i've spent like 2 bloody hours looking for a simple freakin how to guide on port forwarding for utorrent 2.0 (from a non-linksys router) oh and i have a dynamic ip. whatever that means. i've youtubed, utorrent forumed, googled, etc so i have tried.. please point me in the right direction. im obviously a newby and sorry i know i've posted this thing when it probably already exists somewhere in this universe. help would be appreciated cheers!


ah man.. that was just an advertisement. didnt see the 'skip advertisement' link at the top. dooche! thanks man. hey quick question before this thread gets deleted or whatever lol, after finishing the port forward thing, should i have entered the new port number into options>preferences>connections>random port box? sorry to be a pain


It depends on your choice to forward a port.

If your router supports UPnP, you can enable UPnP in µT and define a fixed port (or not, i.e. random at each start). In this case, you don't need to add a manual portforwarding rule in the router, µT will do it for you.

But, if your router doesn't support UPnP (or it's broken/bad implemented), disable both UPnP/NAT-PMP and random port, then define a port number (>10000) then forward this port in your router by following the website.


ummm.. ok.. how do i know if my router supports it? the website told me to uncheck the UPnP port mapping box in the settings, but didnt say anything about the NAT-PMP one.. i feel like i need a degree just to understand this stuff lol


The website says that because all the guides they provide are for manual portforwarding, like that, they are sure the port is forwarded correctly. ;)

But it's not an obligation to forward manually if your router supports UPnP.

Check the manufacturer website, they have surely a user manual online.


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