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Upload Limit problem


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Hi everyone,

I have a problem when i try to limit my upload speed in uTorrent 2.2 (build 23703).

I set up a limit of upload speed, but it still use all of my bandwidth.

When I set up a limit of 100 KB/s or 1KB/s, my upload is still of 600 KB/s. :(

I tried to set up this limit in uTorrent option and in the "downloading torrent", that's not working.

I remember that's working in older version.

(that's maybe a bug due to new version ?)

That's make me "laging" when i play online i have an unstable ping ...

Someone can tell me if this bug is known (fixable ???) or if i juste have to change apps.

(it would be too stupid because i like uTorrent, other P2P apps are not light as uTorrent)

Thx for your help

(I'm french, my english maybe bad)

EDIT: Using Windows 7 64Bits

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