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Trouble with μtorrent and firefox browser (plus dl speed)


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I have to say that I am very displeased with my μtorrent these couple days:(.. I used this client for a couple years and have recommended to my friends all this time. I don't want to nag about it and be ignorant but my client is awful these days. My dl speed is about 800k/bps but these days doesn't seem so it reaches 200k/bps.. CPU is fully attach at what mtorrent does.. I can't play any videos without pausing when I donwload files and worse my mozilla firefox looks like is unable to handle this situation. It simply doesn't browse my pages. And when I start mozilla firefox my dl speed goes from 200 to 3???? :/But when I turn off utorrent everything seems to be fine.. I hope somebody sees my post and try to fix it. I don't want to use Vuze or all the others clients. I love utorrent but I am very confused.. Someone please answer me.. And please try to fix it.. So unexpected indeed:rolleyes:

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