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Multiple errors after installing slave drive


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After running out of room on my external hard drive, I installed a slave drive for some extra space. Since my master drive is an old piece of shit with 150gb, I download everything to my external. After booting up when I installed the slave, every .torrent in utorrent gave me the error "Error: Files missing from job. Please force re-check". I reset the download location and hit resume on some torrents and it would just start downloading again, although the .torrent was being downloaded in the appropriate directory. So I turned off the machine, disconnected the slave, and rebooted. Now a new error "Former volume not mounted". Reset the download location in the correct directory once again then after hitting resume it gave me the previous error message "files missing from job". I have multiple download locations for my .torrents that keeps everything organized "TV Shows" "Movies" "Games" etc. so I can't set the completed download directory in utorrent. So now I'm stuck with all my previously seeded torrents on hold. I have no idea how to fix this, any suggestions?

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