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Button for stop all internet activiies of mu-torrent


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Button for stop all internet activiies of mu-torrent

I want a button, by pressing all downloads & uploads paused. All. And back-pressing restore curent status.

It's not like button Pause. It's change status of downloading of selected files.

I want simple pause program Mu-Torrent.

Can i hope to receive this magick button?

Now i close programm, and open it again.... Not nice method.

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Right click the tray icon and choose "Pause All Torrents"

Or set scheduler so it is ALL white (=turn off)

Then right click tray icon and chose Enable Scheduler

Yes, i want it like sheduler disable tasks. But dont change status of torrents Like "Pause all torrents" and dont change the shedule

So, for me easier to quit from application than change status for all torrents to pause....


i have 13 torrents

i have 3 of them in status paused

i press pause all and all 13 are paused

then i press start all and 13 are started

why, if i want, the 3 of them will be paused...

it is very easy wish....

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  • 9 months later...


Sergey means, that he wants to pause only remaining running events and start then only events that was running, not all.

Now if I have 4 torrents(2 of it on pause),


when I select 'pause all', then 4 are paused,


and after I want to continue, select resume all, its resuming all 4 events,


not only mine 2, which was running before I pressed 'pause all'.

So is it possible to do, that button will stop only running torrents and then start only this torrents(not all)?

Thanks in advance,

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So is it possible to do, that button will stop only running torrents and then start only this torrents(not all).

It seems to me more easy to have button "STOP INTERNET CONNECTION", when it pressed, torrents dont see the Internet!!!

Sometimes youtube works slow, when torrents are running, so i wil exit from uTorrent, because cannot stop its internet activity.

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Select the running torrent with your mouse and press the Pause then press the Start Torrent button.

itis difficutlt:

1. sort by status.

2. press stop

3. ....

4. press run

and if selection is broken, it's a crash. and if computer is restarts on it, its crash...

no! quit from utorrent & start again is more simple.

Think about button "Stop Internet"!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Just thought i would bump this thread even though its kind of old. I think this feature would be incredibly useful and i would use it quite frequently. I currently use the pause and resume all torrents from the tray icon, but it gets frustrating when i had torrents paused before-hand that i dont want to resume yet. Any plans to implement this, or any other clients support this. Even though i love utorrent i would consider switching it up just to get this haha!!

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