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Utorrent shreding file after download O.o


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I've done update on 2.2.1 build 24567

So, I run download and after finished download, file is missing! That happened on a 2 different computers 2 times in a roll. Also, BSOD started on win 7 while running utorrent after update but I can't prove that it's utorrent. Also, where the hell is a tray icon? :/

EDIT: BTW, is there any link where I can download previous beta version?

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Did you set your download path and move completed path to be the same?

It's the same :(

File is destroyed from hard drive... I downloaded simultaneously from 2 different PC's from 2 different ISP's and the results are the same. Plus, PC with win 7 started BSOD - Win 7 ultimate 32-bit. So, is there any available previous version of utorrent for download? I'll waste my download credit if I continue like this :(

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Stop trying to have your move completed path to be the same as your download path.

I have that Utorrent settings completely the same for over a year year and never had any problems with them. BTW DreadWingKnight, I'm not a computer noob. I also tried undelete and the file is on a disk, it shows that it's ok file but it can't restore it at all. There's 5 Gb left on a hdd so it's not free space related. I downgraded to 2.2 stable and downloaded file flawlessly from both PC's. PC with win 7 works normally again while utorrent running. So, something's wrong with the latest build.

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Change the path to be something else.

I changed to 2.2 stable! There are no such behavior there.

Programing guide... If some open option set causing a damage or malfunction of hardware or false data or both, programmer have set a non marked mine field to his software users. Therefore, it's a bug! Either restrain that field or simply place a failsafe mechanism that will check for file name and not to try to write file on itself. Either way, that's two or three additional code lines. It can be fixed in a minute :|

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