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cant connect to seeders and peers


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hi this problem has been going for 2 weeks now. it use to b fine but now i cant connect to the seeds and peers. its not just one file so i dont want any answers saying the file is fake because its not. in most downloads there would be 100s of seeds so it would look like 0(415) and peers 0(150). even when i do connect its always a low number of seeders i'm connected to, like 2~4 but mostly 1.

so my download speed is terrible i hav followed every guide out there but i just dont know how to fix the problem.

i'm running the latest utorrent client.


upload speed: 50kb/s

global maximum number of connections: 100

maximum number of connected peers: 50

slots per torrent: 5

randomized port each start is unchecked (port fowarding is done and tested)

DHT and peer exchange unchecked (same problem even if checked)

net.max.half open = 100 (windows 7 ultimate x64)

my router is cisco linsky e1000 and port fowarding is done.

i dnt hav VPN or peerbox.

edit: i hav no anti virus programs and hav even tried turning off my windows firewall with no luck.

my speeds use to be 300kb/s per file on average but now its like 5kb/s bcoz i cant connect wif seeders!!

help me plz. thanks in advance~

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