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No more Shutdown feature in 1.5??


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Please bare my noobish question, but I am 99% certain that Utorrent 1.4 had a Computer Shutdown feature under "Seeding Priority". Please correct me if I'm wrong, but was this feature removed? or simple moved somewhere else? or it never existed? :S If it still exists, please tell/rant/slur/bash me on how to enable it. :)

Thank you.


You *should* be able to do the following :

Double click the torrent,

Advanced tab

Run this program on torrent completetion : "shutdown -t 0 -s"

Will only work for one torrent, but I guess you could do it for the largest torrent file, and hope it doesn't complete faster, which is.. not the best option, but it'd work

- Ben


ammm, well yeah, i was talking about the stop after seeding ratio was done for :P

and ktask can also be configured to shutdown if it detects less than any amount of speed downloading or uploading (whatever you choose), something like "Shutdown when download speed is less than 2kB/s during 10seconds" and it wont take in count the upload speed at all

dunno if other apps work like that :P


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