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Help. Bad Upload Speed


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Sorry for my bad english

I have more than one year trying to solve this problem:

Utorrent uploads below 4Kb/s and downloads below 10kb/s

rarely uploads at 22kb/s and downloads at 120Kb/s


My connection speeds is 1Mbit/s, my ISP is AXTEL SA de CV

Speed test say i can download at 0.9Mbits/s (112Kb/s) and upload at 192Kbits/s (24Kb/s).

Nobody steals wireless conection, the cables are in good condition, etc.

I have read the entire setup guide (http://www3.utorrent.com/intl/es/documentation/connection-setup). and the FAQ.

I have disabled Windows Firewall. (but I still getting an "Error opening Windows firewall: 0x80070005 Access Denied").

This is my configuration:


I have static local IP.

This is my router UPnP


I have tested utorrent with Encryption enabled,Disabled, and forced.

I have tested to download torrents with Flashget, but I get speeds of 0Kb/s. (bad configuration?)

I have tested my connection with glasnost, but my connection are not being blocked or throttled.

When I using utorrent, online games connection becomes inestable, especially World of Warcraft.

I have done other tests but for the moment i don´t remember which.

I´m using Windows XP with SP2, I have reinstalled windows but noting change.

This is my network configuration:


I have tested utorrent without router (connecting the computer direct to WiMax), but I get the same results.

Any suggestions?. Thanks.

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