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Rightclick menu (DL priority, speed lim) in 2.2 worse (deeper) than 20


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In 2.0 if I want to change priority of files in torrent or change speed limit I just do rightclick on column+click on value.

2.0.4 (speed & priority):


In 2.2 it need to do rightclik, navigate to submenu (also, speed editing in 2.2 has no column-click, so there is two submenus) and then click on value.

2.2.1 (speed & priority):


Maybe it not seems very serious trouble but I just can't use 2.2 due to that, it's VERY uncomfortably and spends very much time on these operations if you often adding new torrents. Please make it easy as in 2.0.

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I can't tell if you deliberately right-clicked a different column in your speed limit screenshots in a failed attempt to embellish your point, but the priority column issue has been brought up many times before already.

And yeah, right-click the same columns next time you bother trying to compare the menus.

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