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uTorrent corrupt downloading files.


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(bug occur after update to latest version)

1. add new download

(1Gig in separate files[100meg/file])

2. let download a half of gig

3. press "Pause" on actual download

4. resume download

(when download finished then you get corrupted files *.!ut or completed files)


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To be clear:

1. one machine, no changes in hardware and all works perfect(uTorrent 2.2)

2. update to 2.2.1(now is trouble started)

3. now i switched back, but i want that bug been fixed.


torrent with all files 100% downloaded and moved to different folder in the same disk(partition).

1.2gig(11 rar files)

winRar report corrupted files.

If the torrent is 100% complete and the files are corrupt, you have hardware faults on your system. Force a re-check on the torrent. If you suddenly lose pieces, then you need to check your RAM especially.
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I experienced (part of) the same problem. After update to 2.2.1:

Download a multi file (rar) torrent.

After download finishes not all files are renamed correctly so still sport the !ut extension.

Rar doesn't find all files :(.

uT cannot seed because it doesn't find the files.

But no file corrupt, just manually rename and everything is fine.

I now just disabled the !ut extension in the general preferences.

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Exactly the same, but

when i rename !ut to proper name not always i can successful extract the file.

I switched back to 2.2, and no of this "corruption" troubles occur.



I experienced (part of) the same problem. After update to 2.2.1:

Download a multi file (rar) torrent.

After download finishes not all files are renamed correctly so still sport the !ut extension.

Rar doesn't find all files :(.

uT cannot seed because it doesn't find the files.

But no file corrupt, just manually rename and everything is fine.

I now just disabled the !ut extension in the general preferences.

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It seems 2.2.1 has an issue indeed.

I just faced this problem again. uTorrent had completed a file of 2GB. It was moved to the downloaded folder and renamed properly. But after I forced the hash check, uTorrent reported only ~10% of the chunks have proper content (~10% of 2GB only!). I started this torrent again to redownload the failed chunks. The file was sucessfully completed. And again it has only 52% of valid chunks.

Memory diagnostics did not find any problem. Also, this problem happens with some torrents only. The most number of torrents can be downloaded without a problem.

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