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connection closed by peer


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im new

im old

please go easy on me

if stuff dosent work automatically after ive used it for months i get confused

im at a new location

new isp

my conection comes wireless to a modem then a router

then into a pair of modems

and here i am

can u start me on the path to fixing this everything looks like it always did but it just dosent start

when u look at the trackers it just says status connection closed by peer

thank you

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What's the colour of the network icon in µT systray? Green circle?

Did you forward a port? Are you sure you're not double NATed? (id est your modem is acting like a router too)

If that's the case, look at the user guide (press F1 in µT), there is a chapter about port forwarding a in a router chain.

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