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Error: the system cannot find the file specified


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Since a couple of weeks I get the following error during downloading and seeding: Error the system cannot find the file specified.

E.g. I was dl/seeding a particular torrent the following error was in the log:

[2011-05-01 12:46:43] Error opening "L:\0day\0DAY.0429-TBy\Hotel.Mogul.Las.Vegas.v1.0 -F4CG\f4nbip40.zip":

I have had this error with a lot of other torrents too. My dl. Folder is located at the root. This cannot be the issue of the 256 char. limit. Could this be an issue of the latest utorrent builds 2.2.1?

I'm running OS Win7 Enterprise X64 with utorrent 2.2.1 build 25203, most of the settings are default.

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I have the same problem. :-(

I have Win 7 Ultimate x32, uTorrent 221 (preallocate and .!ut is turned ON, disk cache size: 700MB)

I have had the above settings for a while, I guess some update made this problem appear. If I force uTorrent to check it again, it becomes green.

Br Linuxs

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  • 2 weeks later...

I run windows 7 ultimate 64bit, uTorrent 3.0 Beta (Build 25277) and i have same problem.

Funny is i know its not the char limit as it just passed 4 others torrents with longer chars yet i have 2 torrents i can't get down because it keeps failing with that damn error.

There has been no update for windows and uTorrent some time now so not sure why.

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I to have the same problem. Sometimes the torrent finishes to 100% and then the error appears and sometimes it stops midway and the error appears. It seems totally random. This has been going on for a couple of months now. I'm missing a lot of seeding because of this.

I'm running windows server 2008 R2.

Latest error message:

[2011-05-19 06:30:22] Error opening "D:\FTP\TV-SD\Americas Next Top Model\Americas.Next.Top.Model.S16E12.Season.Finale.PDTV.XviD-FQM\americas.next.top.model.s16e12.pdtv.xvid-fqm.r16":

[2011-05-19 06:30:22] Error opening "D:\FTP\TV-SD\Americas Next Top Model\Americas.Next.Top.Model.S16E12.Season.Finale.PDTV.XviD-FQM\americas.next.top.model.s16e12.pdtv.xvid-fqm.r08":

[2011-05-19 06:30:22] Error opening "D:\FTP\TV-SD\Americas Next Top Model\Americas.Next.Top.Model.S16E12.Season.Finale.PDTV.XviD-FQM\americas.next.top.model.s16e12.pdtv.xvid-fqm.r08":

[2011-05-19 06:30:22] Error opening "D:\FTP\TV-SD\Americas Next Top Model\Americas.Next.Top.Model.S16E12.Season.Finale.PDTV.XviD-FQM\americas.next.top.model.s16e12.pdtv.xvid-fqm.r08":

If i just press Play again it works perfectly.

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So...is this fixed in 3.0? It has nothing to do with character limit.

All the log says "Error opening X" till I start the download again, until it stops again till the next error. I only get this error when downloading.

Why aren't older version up on utorrent if this isn't getting fixed? I only started getting this around February/March.

edit: Ah, right. People posted logs with pirate stuff. Well, just censor that then? I'll just install 2.2 instead then.

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To those who have this issue: where do you see the error?

I am not sure if what is happening to me is the same thing, as I get the same error "the system cannot find the file specified" but it appears down in the tracker information in the "status" column.

It just started doing this yesterday, where previously everything worked fine. I didn't change anything on my computer or in the uTorrent settings. I was seeding about a dozen things, and all but one started turning red (I assume on tracker update). Now anytime I add a torrent, it can't connect to the tracker and gives this error in the tracker status.

I wish it would at least tell me what file it can't find...

I don't think it has anything to do with the actual files contained in the torrent, because I can right-click on any of the torrents and "open containing folder" and it pops right up to the files. I can also force-recheck the files, and it chugs through the hashing just fine.

I've tried rebooting, uninstalling, reinstalling, going to a slightly older version (2.2.0) and nothing has worked.

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Ok that is a bit different from what I am seeing so mine may or may not be a different problem. The error message is the same though, so it might be related.

Here's another image just in case any devs/community members might know what is causing this. I don't even have the benefit of the logging area telling me what file it supposedly can't find :P

No errors show up in any logs when this happens (need a debugging mode or something..)

Problem is highlighted in orange: http://i.imgur.com/3e3Rd.png

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That screams broken internet security software to me.

Windows firewall is turned off for my wired connection and I don't have any other software firewalls installed. Is there anything else to check?

And as I mentioned, everything worked for weeks before this, and I hadn't installed anything or even restarted in several days when it happened. uTorrent had been open for days (the whole time the computer had been up) when this error appeared one by one on all my torrents.

As further evidence, Deluge is running fine right now (using the same connection, port, trackers and torrents). I'd prefer to use uTorrent though :)

If it is some path or file permission/access issue, or any system setup issue, I am willing to try to change settings, but the error is too vague to know where to start. I don't think it is a connection problem though, because as I said another torrent client is seeding away just fine on the same box (seeded files are in the same location too).

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I can't be 100 % certain as I just changed version a few days ago, though it seemed to help to downgrade to 2.2 for me. No more "Error the system cannot find the file specified." status.

I was getting the error the same way as VECCTOR.

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I have the same problem too.

I have found out the following:

1. when this happens the status of the torrent becommes: "Error: the system cannot find the file specified"

2. The error log contrains a message about failing to open a file:

[2011-06-05 10:39:10] Error opening "F:\File.ext"

3. If I look in the fiulesystem this file is not present there but the file: "f:\File.ext.!ut" exist.

It looks like there is some problem hapening with the renaming of the file.

I am running version 2.2.1 build: 25130

I have Windows 7 Enterprise x64

uTorrent settings

Append !ut to incompleate files = true

Pre-Allocate files = true

Enable caching of disk writes = true

Write out untouched blockes every 2 min = true

Write out finished pieces immediatly = true

disable windows caching of disk writes = False

disable windows caching of disk reads = false

diskio.coalesce_write_size = 2097152 (default)

diskio.coalesce_writes = true (default)

diskio.flush_files = true (default)

diskio.max_write_queue = 32 (default)

diskio.no_zero = true (default)

diskio.smart_hash = true (default)

diskio.smart_sparse_hash = true (default)

diskio.sparse_file = false (default)

diskio.use_partfile = true (default)

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I have the same problem, just want to add that sometimes even if there is no error message one of the files in the torrent still keeps the .!ut extension. (This has happened several times, in different torrents.) So it clearly seems to be a problem with the renaming not succeeding, µTorrent failing to catch that, and naturally not finding file.ext when it tries to read it later since it's still named file.ext.!ut.

µTorrent 2.2.1 (build 25302) running on Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Append !ut to incomplete files = true

Pre-Allocate files = true

Enable caching of disk writes = false

Write out untouched blockes every 2 min = false

Write out finished pieces immediatly = true

disable windows caching of disk writes = true

disable windows caching of disk reads = true

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Just like Hilding and Gestra, I have the problem with the file keeping the !ut extention. I have the Error: the system cannot find the file specified message most often on large torrents over 20GB in size with multiple files.

I wish I didnt have to babysit these downloads. All that needs to happen is to start the file again. There needs to be an option to auto-restart the torrent when this error event happens so that downloads are not interrupted.

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There needs to be an option to auto-restart the torrent when this error event happens so that downloads are not interrupted.

So, you want them to have options to help bypassing all bugs ?... :P I say - they better fix them...

Nevertheless - I am +1 for your idea... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just started to see this bug after upgrading to 2.2.1.

I've run almost every stable release from 1.x to 2.0.x to 2.2 without this happening.

Let's get the usual statement of OS/version/etc out the way first.

The client's runs on same vmWare 6.5 hosted XP SP3 instance that it's always been since first downloading and running uTorrent. The virtual machine is isolated and exists solely for utorrent operation. All of the files it hosts/downloads are stored on SMB/CIFS servers located on my GigE LAN.

uTorrent has about 6000 torrents "loaded" with about 2000 in queued/active status, and about two dozen active at any one time. Nominal RAM usage is about 250MB. The VM has 640MB of physical RAM allocated to it, and XP is configured to NOT use any swap. I get wire-speed downloads on fresh well-seeded torrents, and use both uTorrent's rate-shaping *AND* a global iproute2-based traffic policing setup to clamp that IP's uplink bandwidth to about 60% of my ISP physical uplink capacity. I use a properly configured stateful firewall that does NOT interfere with proper ICMP messages, and my PPPoE clamps MSS to avoid packet fragmentation. There is NO anti-virus or security software whatsoever on the XP guest OS.

All of the access controls are implemented at the host-level (or by my firewalls). The backing store for the guest consist of throwaway Linux-based CIFS storage with no critical or sensitive information on them whatsoever. Since they use RAID5, the odd disk failure hasn't caused data loss. I also proactively replace the entire RAID set members every 15 months or so, which has the added bonus of enlarging the storage set. The backing store filesystems are XFS, and are hosted on hardware that's fully protected by a good quality UPS. Even the largest file allocations happen instantly (I don't use "sparse_files"), something that used to choke Win32-based SMB servers for some reason.

None of the above has changed ever. The house network server has been running for 540 days non-stop, and I almost never make firewaling or routing changes. Inward DNAT rules were defined for uTorrent *YEARS* ago to be "connectable".

The only common context for this bug appearing for me is a torrent with many files. Whether they're 300MB or 10MB doesn't seem to matter. More files seems to increase the likelihood of the problem appearing. Single file torrents don't seem to trigger this bug, or if it does, it's rare.

I suspect there's some kind of assumption going on with the "rename when finished" logic - perhaps a file open on the new filename is attempted "too quickly", and when it fails, the torrent's marked as bad. I would humbly suggest to the developers that during this phase of the client's operation, that "file not found" errors be retried after a small delay. I'm not sure what the interaction between the CIFS server cache, state, and the XP guest's SMB stack state (or caching, which I know Windows does do for certain operations - to wit, oplocks). It's also possible that a rename is attempted "too quickly" after the file's closed for writing, an error occurs on the operation (due to the file being locked). and then a subsequent file open failing when the renamed file still has the old name, etc. I don't have source code, so this is 100% speculation.

In *EVERY* case where the torrent's halted in this way (dozens of times since upgrading to 2.2.1), a simple re-check restores operations. On at least four occasions, the torrent was complete once the re-check finished, suggesting it was the final rename-and-check that "failed". If the network link to the server genuinely broke, then I'd have gotten "no such file" on hundreds if not thousands of active torrents.

On torrents with dozens of files, this seems to trip uncomfortably often.

I'll probably downgrade to 2.2.0 and see if it happens on the next big collection.

SOMETHING's changed in the file handling code, even if it's subtle. My countermeasures suggested above should greatly lower the chances of it happening.

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  • 3 months later...

A couple more hints: I put some of the downloads to directories on a network drive. I get the error several times a week. I noticed that it happens when the network is busy so I put all files on a local and very fast drive. Several weeks went by with no problem. I got curious and put a few downloads on a local but older, slower drive. Got the error within 2 days. Put the files back on a fast external drive. No errors. Put the downloads on a "green" external drive. Got the error within hours. Put everything back on the fast drive and forgot about it until I jumped the gun one day and copied a set of files that were being actively seeded and got the error again.

It would seem that these later versions are not very tolerant of timeouts or file locks - even read locks.

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  • 6 months later...

Well i had the same annoying error like 20 mins ago. and i couldnt really figure out whats up with Utorrent.

it started when i tried to run a torrent file i deleted over a year ago.

anyways, once you begin the downloads, change its download directory manually with the right click.

the error will go away.

Hope it helps.


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  • 4 weeks later...
In my case, from reading these posts, I've deciphered that the issue is an unexpected drive letter re-assignment. What was my M drive is suddenly my N drive, so I have to change the directory settings.

I'm going to assign a designated drive letter to avoid this problem in the future. It was because a non-working external drive decided to start working again.

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