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Cumulative uploads <= 5% of bandwidth, Glasnost test clean


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Using BitTorrent 7.2.1 on xp+sp3

I have both Upload and Download Global Rate Limit set to 0, which should mean they are unlimited. This is true for Downloads, but not for Uploads. Even when I am not Downloading at all, the cumulative Upload rate never exceeds 80 kB/s, about **5%** of the available bandwidth. How does one make the Upload rate unlimited? It obviously can be done, because I've had Download rates exceeding 100kB/s from a single source.

BTW, I ran the Glasnost test, with this result:

Glasnost: Test if your ISP is shaping your traffic

Results for your host (174-30-15-8.eugn.qwest.net -

Is your upload traffic rate limited?

There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your uploads.

Is your download traffic rate limited?

There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your downloads.

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I have this problem that's been happening recently... when i turn on my utorrent the things i want to download will download but just after 30 minutes my internet connection is no longer connected and it stated limited access... i called my internet service center it said it seems to have no problem.. so when i tried using the internet the whole day without turning on my utorrent it's connectivity is perpetual.. so now i know that the culprit due to my internet being limited is the utorrent and when my internet is limited hence my utorrent will not be able to download.. i tried limiting the download speed and upload speed to 50 and it still doesn't work.. and the problem when my connection is limited i can't simply disconnect and connect it again.. i have to restart computer for my computer to read connectivity.. it's wireless and so i tried using the cable and it doesn't help.. it's really frustrating cuz everytime my connection goes limited i have to restart my computer and turn back on utorrent.. it's really frustrating !! now i just download vuze thinking maybe it can make a difference but vuze is fucking slow !! i want my utorrent to go back to normal !! i tried everything from calling my internet service to putting limit to the speed and everything else but nothing seems to help !! can someone help me !! this has been going on for a while now !!

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Following the Setup Guide, it failed the Automatic Bandwidth test, so I set the bandwidth to the closest setting to 0.68 Mbps, 80KBps, exactly the limit I was getting when it was set to 0. So apparently this imbalance derives from ADSL. The ADSL Wiki tells me its standard download:upload bandwidth ratio is about 8.6:1, which seems a good bit lower than the actual ratio delivered by speedtest.net, 8.53:0.68 =~ 12.5:1. Should I read anything into this discrepancy? Potentially it means my current upload limit is only about 2/3 its actual capacity.

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