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Last Ditch


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Am new to this forum, so your patience would be appreciated.

I was previously using Utorrent very nicely and getting +1Mbit/s on popular torrents.

For 4-5 weeks I have been getting terrible speeds verging on 0.0Kbs and have driven myself crazy trying to resolve.

Posting here is a last ditch attempt so hopefully someone will be able to help.

Am going to try and provide as much info as I can.


ADSL Negreat Router.UPnP working correctly (All tests suggest that its working correctly. Client computer appears in router uPnP mapping table. uTorrent test and other online tests suggest port is open correctly). DMZ Zone activated. NAT Filtering Off. Port Scan and DoS Protection Off.

Speednet test gives regular and consistent results of in the regions; DL 14.69 Mbps, UL 0.8Mbps

PC setup

XP SP3. No firewall other than MS windows. Utorrent appears correctly (Have tried taking it out and re-inserting to no affect).

Utorrent Config

Have referred to Switecks settings chart and am currently set at the following;

Max UL rate 35kB/s

No. Connections; Global 200, UL slots per torrent 4.

net.max_halfopen to 4

bt.connect_speed to 4

disable DHT no affect

disable UPnP and NAT-PMP and manual port forward - no affect

Never patched TCPIP.sys

Glasnot suggests no throttling or traffic shaping

My latest suspicion is that the problem is related to trackers.

Am getting a full list of peers in the peers tab (up to the 50 max that is configured) but am getting only 0.1kBs DL off a maybe one or two at most.

All advice / suggestions are very welcome


Additional Info - the poor to zero DL speeds are on very well seeded torrents (around 17000 seeds). Furthermore, am Seeding at good rates with no apparent problems. Its the DLs that are problematic.


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