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Availability is Zero


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I'm new in the forum, but I have already used utorrent for 6 months. Lately my torrent file download is not working. The availability is 0%. I've check using existing torrent file that I've completed to download, but it dowsn't work. The availability status is zero and DHT status is remain "Waiting to log in". Could you please help me with this troubleshooting. thanks a lot.

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its already fixed by Firstmedia plz try it again. for me its already working. if not plz look at DHT solution at this forum.

Uda dbenerin sama firstmedia. klo masi ga bisa cb u tutup utorretnnya, lalu u search dht.data. lalu u apus. dan jalanin lagi torretnnya. works for me

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I've got the solution. follow this instruction:

1. download this torrent (linux file, definitely legal file) http://torrents.linuxmint.com/torrents/linuxmint-11-gnome-dvd-32bit.iso.torrent

2. wait until the download process work

3. when this seeds and peers is succeed, then download the torrent file you want to download.

4. delete the linux file torrent when your torrent availability, peer and seed shows the progress.

TRY....!!! Tell me if it works....

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provide useful information for troubleshooting, like tracker status messages, and the complete list of information from http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992

It turned out to be the ISP's problem, trying to "work together" with the government by blocking torrents. To bypass this, I use proxy in uTorrent preferences provided by http://spys.ru/free-proxy-list/ID/, I use proxy no. 3 from the list. It's working OK now, but i don't know for how long.

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its already fixed by Firstmedia plz try it again. for me its already working. if not plz look at DHT solution at this forum.

I think you are right... I've disabled my proxy and it's normal now. And yes I've read that the ISP have cancelled their stunt.

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