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Connection Icon Always Changes (not uploading)


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My connection icon fluctuates between "No Incoming Connections", "Being BLANK", and "Network OK".

It's almost always on "No Incoming Connections"

There is no traffic on my LAN besides the seeding torrents. No firewall/anti-virus/adware programs. The port is forwarded w/ a static ip that is outside the dhcp pool. utorrent says the network is configured properly but the icon is yellow almost all the time.

Since this started happening none of my seeds have been uploading any data. The only time a torrent has uploaded successfully is if it was a leeching torrent. So I'm thinking none of my seeds are uploading data because the icon keeps going to "No incoming connections".

I have recently installed a fresh windows. Before the installation I was uploading at least 1 gig per day. And now I have uploaded 0 for the past few days. When I use the trackers connectability page, it says I'm connectable.

I need to get this working in the next 36 hours or else I will lose my private tracker account. I need to upload a measly 500 megs. I REALLY need some HELP!!! :)

I am seeing torrents try to connect to peers. it will connect to the peer, display a .01 upload speed, and then disapear in less than a second.


There are people to upload to. There are 35 torrents out of hundreds with peers ranging from 5-10. Half I am the ONLY seed. I am just not connecting to them. Before I reinstalled windows there was constant uploading to peers of the same exact torrents.

So there is no absence of peers, and the fact the tracker is private is not the problem.

Like I said, I used to upload around 1 gig per day, which is quite a lot for my .7 megabit upload speed. So I was constantly uploading to peers.

Now I am not uploading anything. This should be a piece of cake to fix my ratio but something is wrong. I've been doing private trackers for 3 years and never had this problem with uploading. The tracker is one of the largest i've known.

It has to be this new windows installation.

What got me into this situation was that I assumed utorrent was uploading as usual, and kept downloading my standard amount. Then I realized I wasn't uploading anymore and the downloads set me 500 megs under the required ratio. its sooo close lol.


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