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NAS + Error: File missing from job. Please recheck.


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I currently download all my torrents to my NAS device and i know that my router is not the most reliable thing in the world. It drops out a lot. When i am sitting at my computer and everything is downloading its no problem but when the network drops out(and then back in again) all of my torrents go red and show the above message. I can handle the fact that that happens and i know it will cost me a new router or access point to stop it from happening, BUT i want to know is there a way i can set utorrent to automatically restart or automatically recheck the file so that if i am away from my computer for hours my torrents aren't sitting idle for hours as well?


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I know that if the router is down it won't find it but the router drops out and then back in again. I just want utorrent to recheck every 5 or 10 mins so that if the network comes back up utorrent will be able to find it without me having to push start again..

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