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uTorrent token auth


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I'm having some problems with the token authentication if uTorrent WebUI. I'm trying to make a client connect to the server and get the list of torrents from it. I retrieve a token from the server successfully but when trying to retrieve anything else using that token the server returns an invalid request error. So my question is how long is the token valid? how does the server know which tokens are valid and which not, if i connect from multiple clients do i need multiple tokens?

Thx in advance for any info provided,

Romeo Calota

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Yes, I get the token from /gui/token.html, I store it and append it to every query i make to the server (i.e. /gui/?list=1&token=<the_stored_token>)

P.S. I've just realized something, does the GUID have anything to do with the token? do i need to store and include that in the request together with the token?

YES! That was the problem. The cookie needs to be included in the HTTP request header.

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Sounds like you solved it. Got to send back the cookie with each request. Most software will do this automatically.

The token is valid forever, or at least for the length of that session. It lasts for 30 minutes across different sessions., I think. Still, you should probably code for the situation where another token needs to be fetched.

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I seem to be having a problem with my authentication. I want to display a list of the torrents but having a problem getting past the token.

I see @kicsyromy got it to work but I don't know what he is talking about when he says GUID.

And I don't know if cURL will keep cookies and send them back.

It appears that the last request made to get the list is getting back the invalid request message from uTorrent.

Can someone have a look at my code and tell me if I am even doing this right. I have been working on this all night and getting very frustrated with it. Thanks.

class uTorrentAPI
public $conf_user = "test";
public $conf_pass = "test";
public $conf_host = "localhost:8086";

public $token = NULL;
public $crl = NULL;

function __construct()
$this->crl = curl_init();
$this->token = $this->get_token ();

function __destruct()

public function load_data($action, $load_token = true){
if (isset($action))
if ($load_token)
return $this->get_url_contents("http://" . $this->conf_user . ":" . $this->conf_pass . "@" . $this->conf_host . "/gui/?token=" . $this->token . $action);
return $this->get_url_contents("http://" . $this->conf_user . ":" . $this->conf_pass . "@" . $this->conf_host . "/gui/" . $action);

public function get_url_contents($url)
$timeout = 5;
curl_setopt ($this->crl, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt ($this->crl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($this->crl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
$ret = curl_exec($this->crl);
return $ret;

public function get_token ()
return strip_tags($this->load_data("token.html", false));

public function get_torrent_list()
return json_decode($this->load_data("&list=1"),true);

$api = new uTorrentAPI();
echo $api->token;
var_dump($api->get_torrent_list()); // Returns NULL


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OK I got it now... I had a good sleep and got at it with a fresh mind and got it to work :).

I used some code from http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?pid=545126#p545126 and changed the get_url_contents function and its working fine.

This is the new function inside the uTorrentAPI class

	public function get_url_contents($url)

CURLOPT_URL => $url,
CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE => 'cookiejar.tmp',
CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR => 'cookiejar.tmp',
curl_setopt_array($this->crl, $curl_opts);

$ret = curl_exec($this->crl);
return $ret;

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