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Firstly, I'm sorry if this is not the place to get my info. I've tried several other options with no luck.

I have been using uTorrent for years with no problem. I have recently moved to a location that requires me to use SkyMesh as a provider and after a few months with this service I was suddenly unable to download. I'm getting a red availability bar. Is this something that SkyMesh has done and how can I fix it?

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I'm having a similar issue but this was after a few days after upgrading from Win XP to Win 7 Home. I tired changing the ports and I even did a Glasnost Test to see if Comcast was blocking or limiting my bandwidth.

You can try it here: http://broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/bttest-mlab.php

My test said there was nothing indicating I was being limited but I'm not sure how accurate this is.

I would appreciate any help sorting out this red availability issue, I'm seeing quite a few people having this problem but a wide variety of answers. I hope my link can at least help shed light on the bandwidth theory.


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