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Clawing out eyes

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Whenever utorrent creates a file (like, when I add a torrent, and it creates the downloading files) as well as when it moves the added torrent from wherever it was to the utorrent directory, the files are created with no permissions. 0000 as it were. I've tried umask, I've tried making utorrent do a chmod when torrents change state (thought chmod -R 777 would run when the torrent went from queued -> downloading).

Can anybody help me fix this problem? The irony was, it was running fine when I was using windows utorrent under wine, but that stopped working when I removed my server's monitor.

Edit: For reference, here's my setup:

2 directories shared through Samba: Media and Torrents. Drop a torrent file into Torrents over the network, utorrent picks it up. Pre-allocated files get created in Media\Downloading\<created dir>. The <created dir> gets created with fully writeable permissions; the files inside it do not. As a result, when utorrent tries to write whatever downloads it has buffered, it errors out with permission denied.

Edit 2: I forgot to mention, if I chmod the created files to 777, the torrent works properly. But having to do this manually for each torrent is somewhat annoying.

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