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Did you disable comments in the advanced settings? You can't do that if you wanna go to the ratings tab.

no gui.enable comments ture

it only happens on some torrents

a couple of movies that before it freezes said it had 21 comment at the time

I tried reinstalling but have not tried uninstalling and reinstalling

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This is probably due to unsanitized data stored in ratings. If you peek inside resume.dat you'll see that the affected entries contain rating values outside the valid range (0-5); I've seen some huge values (in the millions). Apparently uTorrent doesn't check them and simply tries to draw a gazillion stars, causing it to either crawl to a stop or overflow some buffer and lock up. There were also some negative date values, which I assume would cause similar problems.

I've deleted the offending ratings from inside resume.dat (because sometimes I unwittingly displayed them and locked up my client), but I guess they will be sent again eventually. We'll just have to wait for a bug fix.

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  • 11 months later...
If you peek inside resume.dat you'll see that the affected entries contain rating values outside the valid range (0-5)

Thanks kkdzo. This is the only reply on this subject with a constructive suggestion.

I used Vim/Cream to look at resume.dat. I could find the entries for the file in question but I could not find the Rating value.

Can you suggest a good tool (Windows) for finding the data and making the edits?


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Can you suggest a good tool (Windows) for finding the data and making the edits?

Note that this problem has been fixed for a while. I'm using 3.1.3 and it correctly ignores out-of-range ratings.

If you still need to edit resume.dat, you can use Ultima's BEncode Editor. You'll have to search for all keys named "like", which should have values between 0 and 5. Anything else, especially huge numbers in the millions, would crash older uTorrent versions. These keys are under <torrent name>\comments\ITEM <n>\like, if you think of resume.dat as a kind of Registry. As always, you'll also have to delete the .fileguard key to allow uTorrent to load the modified file. Also, make sure that uTorrent isn't running while you're editing resume.dat.

If you're a programmer, you could also load resume.dat and fix the values programmatically. Python (my scripting language of choice) is very good at that.

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