bkvamme Posted October 13, 2011 Report Posted October 13, 2011 Hello! I found a script over at the 7-Zip SourceForge discussion board (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/forums/forum/45797/topic/4659614)) that unzip/unrars downloads automaticly. I took that script and enhanced it to make it work with network (UNC/Samba) shares, and I added an option to only run if the torrent downloaded matches a certain label. Lots of credit to ikxcsshcm7 over at the SF discussion board!Requirements: 7-ZipWindowsHere is the script in question: I recommend copying from pastebin to avoid any formatting errors. http://pastebin.com/Wj8yuy7G:: BEGIN TORRENT_DONE.BAT :: :: In uTorrent 'Run Program' :: enter data like: :: C:\SCRIPTS\TORRENT_DONE.BAT "%D" "%N" "%L":: :: INCLUDE QUOTE MARKS :: :: Script was written by ikxcsshcm7 at SourceForge ::::@ECHO OFF SET PATH=C:\PROGRAM FILES\7-ZIP;%PATH% SET JOBDIR=%~1 SET JOBNAME=%~2PUSHD "%JOBDIR%":: If you aren't using network shares, :: comment out the "pushd %jobdir%" line:: and comment in the line below.:: CD/D "%JOBDIR">JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ECHO.%JOBNAME% >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ECHO. IF "%3" NEQ "RSS" GOTO DONE:: If you want to restrict the extraction process:: change "RSS" to the label you are using. :: You can also use this to skip specific labels:: by changing NEQ to EQU. IF EXIST *.RAR GOTO UNPACK_RARIF EXIST CD1\*.RAR GOTO UNPACK_CD1_RARIF EXIST *.R01 GOTO UNPACK_R01IF EXIST *.R00 GOTO UNPACK_R00IF EXIST *.00 GOTO UNPACK_00IF EXIST *.ZIP GOTO UNPACK_ZIPIF EXIST *.7z GOTO UNPACK_7zGOTO :NO_UNPACK:UNPACK_RAR7Z x -y *.RAR >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:UNPACK_CD1_RAR7Z x -y CD1\*.RAR >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:UNPACK_CD2_RAR7Z x -y CD2\*.RAR >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:UNPACK_R017Z x -y *.R01 >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:UNPACK_R007Z x -y *.R00 >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:UNPACK_007Z x -y *.00 >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:UNPACK_ZIP7Z x -y *.ZIP >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:UNPACK_RAR7Z x -y *.7z >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGIF NOT ERRORLEVEL == 0 REN JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOG ERROR_"%JOBNAME%".LOGGOTO DONE:NO_UNPACK>>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGECHO.NO FILES FOUND TO UNPACK >>JOB_"%JOBNAME%".LOGDIR/B:DONEPOPD:: If you are not on a network share, you can comment out "popd" aswell.:: :: END TORRENT_DONE.BATI have only tested the script on .rar files, but it should work on all other compress files. Let me know if it doesn't.
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