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Overloads memory


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I've started an download of a 37gig file. Later I had to check the file before I could continue the download. With every byte uTorrent 3 checked the free RAM decreases until the pagefile began to write and read ...

Normal: 1,5 of 8Gb free. With uTorrent checking the file 7,8Gb / 8Gb free.

Please help ...

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I don't know where this error comes from. But what I see is that utorrent is the trouble maker. No other programm is running but the memory is full until I close utorrent.

The task manager shows me only 19mb usage for utorrent. Version 2 never did this :(

See for yourselve and download this until you have let's say 10gig. Then delete it and re-add this torrent:



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