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Trying to seed, but utorrent can't find files


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Apologies in advance for any protocol violations,. but this is my first time here. After I have downloaded a file, which procedes fine, I am unable to seed because I get a message that utorrent is unable to find the file. Any one willing to point me to any previous posts or FAQs that may be helpful? My network seems okay, my speeds are okay, just the majority of files I have downloaded are unseedable (is that even a word?). Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Well, I guess I am not sure, both the torrent file and the completed file still exist on my computer, although in separate locations. There is a big red 'x' preceding the majority of my files in utorrent, but I can physically locate them and the original torrent file. I will also add that I have not moved the files after the download is completed.

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